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Image by Maksym Kaharlytskyi

Privacy Policy

Freightlog Forwarders India Pvt Ltd.


Code of Conduct - Ethics & Compliance Standards – [CoC]


Freightlog Forwarders India Pvt Ltd [“Freightlog”], has devised the following Code of Conduct - Ethics & Compliance Standards – [“CoC”] which is applicable to the key stake holders such as manufacturers, suppliers, marketers, dealers, distributors, agents, transporters, consultant, customers, clients and service providers, as well as employees - as and where applicable and all other business partners of Freightlog [the whole category hereinafter referred to as “Business Associates”] 

The purpose of the CoC is to establish clear guidelines followed by Freightlog, which is implemented by the company and with its employees, and to ensure that all Business Associates, comply with Freightlog’s Code of Conduct - Ethics & Compliance Standards and all applicable laws and regulations.

Freightlog is committed to obtaining the business intelligence, both industry and Competitive [excluding information or data obtained from internal sources] necessary for the operation and success of its business in a way that is both legal and ethical.

In general Freightlog’s Business Associates may not compromise Freightlog’s integrity in the pursuit of business intelligence by engaging in either or any of the following activity, such as Fraud or misrepresentation; Invasive techniques such as illegal entry or trespass; Use of coercion to obtain confidential information; Solicitation or acceptance of information that is protected by trade-secret laws; the violation of legitimate non-disclosure agreements; or Utilizing third parties to engage in activities in which Freightlog’s Business Associates are prohibited from engaging.

Compliance with laws and Commercial trade practices – “No export-import violation” – Freightlog upholds all domestic and international commercial and trade laws and supports the efforts of the international community to prevent the manufacture and proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Freightlog’s Business Associates are required to observe the restrictions and bans on domestic and international trade in listed goods, technologies and services; the trade bans and restrictions that are part of international embargos and efforts to combat terrorism must be respected and complied with.

Transparency and Fair Competition – “No antitrust violation” – Business relationship with Freightlog must be formed on the basis of objective criteria such as price, quality, reliability, service suitability etc. Business Associates must disclose any existing or potential conflict of interest while entering into or during the course of any arrangement with Freightlog. Business Associates shall not influence business dealing by offering inappropriate gifts/entertainment to employees of Freightlog; collusion among competitors; anti-competitive and anti-trust arrangements among Business Associates is unacceptable; dealings shall be transparent and shall adhere to fair competition.

Records and Information – “No falsification” – Freightlog expects its Business Associates to maintain accurate records and not to suppress or distort any material facts. Business Associates must maintain documents and records as per the applicable legal standards and preserve the same so long as the same are required under the relevant statutory provisions. Business Associates shall be fully accountable and responsible for dealing with any statutory authorities; information and records should be complete, accurate and furnished in a timely manner.

Human Right protection and sustainable development – “Healthy and compliant work environment” – Business Associates must prohibit employment of child labour; Sexual harassment in any form at work place; no use of forced or involuntary or bonded labour; not adopt discriminative policies on the basis of race, colour, national origin, citizenship status, creed, religion, religious affiliation, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status, and any other status protected under any applicable law is prohibited. To comply with applicable international and local legal requirements in the countries in which they operate including the provisions of applicable factory / labour laws. In addition Business Associates shall also provide its employees with a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; to comply with applicable wage and labour laws and regulations governing employee compensation and working hours and must ensure that its own facilities meet appropriate safety standards; they shall support environmental protection, judicious consumption of energy and raw materials in production and also minimisation of the hazardous impact of the development, production, use and disposal of any products and services on the ecological environment. 

Business Associates should also take reasonable efforts to ensure that all third parties involved in the dealing with Freightlog, shall uphold Freightlog’s CoC.

© 2018-2024 Copyright (c) Freightlog Forwarders India Pvt. Ltd. •  Website by ALCinnovations

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